White Square | Белый Квадрат

About the Festival

International marketing and advertising festival White Square is one of the largest creative communications festivals in Europe.

In 2021, White Square will be held on June 9-11 and will traditionally consist of two blocks - awards and business forum for international exchange of best practices and innovations in marketing and communications industry.  

Representatives of more than 30 countries of the world - Eastern European and Baltic regions, Western Europe, America, Asia, over 1000 entries and delegates of business program, including the largest international and local advertisers and the brightest representatives of European professional creative community, take part in White Square every year. 

White Square business forum continues for three days and includes more than 90 master classes, lectures, discussion panels, talk shows from the headliners of the leading communication forums of Europe and the CIS. You can always get inspiration from informal networking with advertisers from numerous countries at festival parties, widely known for their driving and hospitable atmosphere. 

Entries submission for White Square 2021 open online into 7 contests / 129 nominations on this website since December 1, 2020 to May 24, 2021. At early stages of the call for entries substantial financial bonuses are provided for participants.

The jury of White Square 2021 will be represented by creative and art directors, top managers of the leading international agencies which headline creativity rankings in their markets - persons with worldwide recognition in advertising from more than 30 countries, holding tones of prestigious festival awards, including numerous Cannes Lions, and rich experience of judging at most remarkable creative festivals around the globe.  

The culmination of the festival is awards show celebrating the winners in the best traditions of European ad festivals. Prize-winners of White Square are widely promoted in more than 50 industrial media all around Europe and the CIS.

White Square is included into industrial rankings:

Creativity ranking of Association of Communications and Marketing Agencies of Belarus

Creativity ranking of Association of Communications Agencies of Russia in all segments - advertising, branding, digital, marketing services; and also Rankings of effectiveness of communications and media agencies of Association of Communications Agencies of Russia; 

Baltic Agency Ranking; 

Creativity ranking of Estonian Marketing Association; 

Creativity ranking of Central Asia and Azerbaijan; 

Global creativity ranking AdForum Business Creative Report.

The festival is organized by Association of Communications and Marketing Agencies, which is the official representative of Belarus in the largest international professional union in Europe EACA (European Association of Communications Agencies). 

Archive of previous years’ Festivals:

2020 – XII International advertising and marketing festival WHITE SQUARE 

2019 – XI International advertising and marketing festival WHITE SQUARE 

2018 – X International advertising and marketing festival WHITE SQUARE

2017 – IX International advertising and marketing festival WHITE SQUARE

2016 – VIII International advertising and marketing festival WHITE SQUARE

2015 – VII International advertising and marketing festival WHITE SQUARE

Looking forward to see you soon!

All the best of luck,