White Square | Белый Квадрат




Contest program of White Square 2021 contains seven contest categories: Creativity, Branding, Marketing, Marketing Effectiveness, Digital, Media, and since this year on the recommendations of jury Craft competition was placed in a separate category, combining excellence in film and radio, print and outdoor advertising.  

In an effort to resolve contradictions when evaluating socially-oriented and commercial projects, a separate nomination - non-profit / charity - has been added to the list of nominations for each of the competitions, with the exception of the Branding category, for projects whose only customer / advertiser is non-profit organization (charitable foundation, government department, public organizations). 

Enries eligible to take part in White Square 2021 should be created and implemented between January 1, 2020 and May 17, 2021

Detailed information about the list of nominations of each of the contests, their descriptions and technical requirements to uploaded entries is provided on CONTESTS page.

The judging of all jury groups will take place in early June. Right after this all the shortlists will be available on the website. Prize-winners (golds, silvers and bronzes) will be announced at awards show on June 11. 

Entries at White Square 2021 will be judged by six jury categories: CREATIVE JURY, BRANDING JURY, MARKETING JURY, DIGITAL JURY, MEDIA JURY,  and also independent international Mass Media jury. Grand Prix of the festival will be awarded by special Grand Jury team consisting of the Chairmen of all jury categories.          

Evaluation of entries at White Square is based on Regulation of jury work which defines all the rules, criteria and mechanics of judging. The main criteria for the jury are originality and creativeness of idea and quality of its execution.  

With all the questions connected to entry submission please turn to organizing committee of the festival via konkurs@adfest.by
